PS4 for rent with lots of games on disc

two controllers

2tb ssd Hard-drive attached, 500gb internal storage)

games (on disc) are: overwatch, farcry primal, madden 21, just cause 3 and battlefield five

Estimated Item Value: 800
Condition: Used item
Lender Cover Requirement: Yes, have to sign an agreement with renters ID
Regions: Auckland
Shipping options:
Delivery available
Bond required on pickup?: $200
Request ID & address proof with rental agreements ( download it on the menu )?: Yes

Public discussion (1)

Jignesh Patel

10 months ago

Hi,I looking for Play station or Xbox on rent for 1st June 20204 for my friend birthday party so if you have any option then please let me know. My contact number ir 0211150184. Thanks

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